Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our new Lactation Consultant

Last night we had dinner with Elizabeth's new lactation consultant. She said we should stay away from beef and "eat more chicken".

Monday, February 16, 2009

Spread eagle

17 week OB visit, check! And no, it wasn't me that was spread eagle this time... you'll see... Anyway, I'm so stinking impatient- July feels like an eternity away! The visit went well. I've only gained 4 pounds so far (but it feels like twice that much). I 'cheated' again (Austin doesn't like it when I take a sneak peak...), the day before my appointment I cheated and had another ultrasound at work. It was so much fun! Little Cletus ("Cletus the fetus"), opened up its mouth in a wide yawn where we could even see its little tongue. Then the little squirt went on to suck its thumb while spread eagle on my placenta. Hehe. It was a sweet sight... Hopefully that will hold me over to my 20 week ultrasound check up! Probably not...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Nursery Patterns

Here are the patterns we are going to use on the curtains, bed bumper, pillows, bed skirt, and window seat pad....we are going gender neutral, and couldn't find that great of options in stores, so we're going to buy the fabric and have Martha Stewart sew them! P.S. I am not Martha and Austin isn't exactly Michael Kors!