Monday, February 16, 2009

Spread eagle

17 week OB visit, check! And no, it wasn't me that was spread eagle this time... you'll see... Anyway, I'm so stinking impatient- July feels like an eternity away! The visit went well. I've only gained 4 pounds so far (but it feels like twice that much). I 'cheated' again (Austin doesn't like it when I take a sneak peak...), the day before my appointment I cheated and had another ultrasound at work. It was so much fun! Little Cletus ("Cletus the fetus"), opened up its mouth in a wide yawn where we could even see its little tongue. Then the little squirt went on to suck its thumb while spread eagle on my placenta. Hehe. It was a sweet sight... Hopefully that will hold me over to my 20 week ultrasound check up! Probably not...

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