Sunday, April 18, 2010

Whatever happens, may the Lord give you joy

"WHATEVER happens, dear brothers and sisters,
may the Lord give you joy...
We put no confidence in human effort.
Instead, we boast about what Jesus Christ has done for us."

This is exactly what we need to be focusing on right now as a family. Through the blessings and disappointments we encounter, we are to lift our eyes above our circumstances and see the joy we have in the Lord.

  • In the same day that Patricia finds out she has a large tumor, she was accepted into Oxford for Grad school (her dream school).
  • In the midst of the stress of selling our home and figuring out where to go, we have a little boy who delights our hearts with his ever smile.
  • While Austin is struggling over his company and career direction, I am blessed with a great job with wonderful people who truly care about us.
So we throw it all into God's open hands knowing that all of our anxieties are the weight of a dust fleck to Him. I can rest in that.

On a lighter note... Will started crawling!!! It has been so fun to watch the progression. He's so proud of himself! He smiles that toothless smile that makes us all laugh :) I love that boy!


  1. Will's hair looks like he is trying to be a Ben/Asher look-a-like?! HA! Cute :)

  2. That toothless smile! It totally melts my heart! and what JOY it is to hear you write of your delight in your son...
    I feel that way about my little ones...
    and now 2 of them have joined with their life's soul mates...
    I pray for that 3rd soul mate for my youngest baby, Patricia...
    I love and appreciate how you write that our struggles and anxieties are but a dust fleck in our father's hands...
    dust can get in your eyes and make your vision blurry, but it's beginning to clear...
    With your love for Will, I'm glad you are getting a idea of how much I love you and yours, times 3 of you!
    I love you and so proud for you... in your trust in our Papa!...He is all we have..and, challenged to say, all we need...He must do this for me, us, cause it's all too big for me, us!
    Meanwhile, He Will's smile!

  3. LOVE you!!! and LOVE watching God work in all of you!
